I have chosen to review the movie Perfect High. Perfect High was directed by Vanessa Parise and was released in 2015. Production began on February 1st, 2015 and ended February 22, 2015T for a total of seventeen days shooting. The movie casts Bella Thorne as the main character, Daniela Bobadilla as Riley, Israel Broussard as Carson and Ross Butler as Nate. The Lifetime movie, Perfect High, was based on a true story.
In the beginning of the movie the character Amanda was performing her high school dance routine and during it she dislocated her knee. Amanda later on meets Riley, a girl whose brother Amanda had a crush on. Riley asks Amanda about her knee and notices she is taking painkillers, so she asks Amanda if she can have one and she says yeah. After a few days the doctors tells Amanda she should rest but instead she dances anyway. Amanda had made plans to have her friend stay with her, but her friend ditches her. Riley noticed she was alone and asked her if she would stay with her and Amanda says sure and when they go to Riley's, Carson and Nate are also there and they begin drinking; Nate is Riley's boyfriend. At first Amanda was hesitant but she wanted to look cool so she gave everyone a Hydrocodone and started drinking too. Amanda starts to hang out with them more and more. The next day they all four end up stopping at a yard sale asking an old lady if Amanda and Riley can use her bathroom, but instead steal the old woman's medication, to get high. Amanda and Carson, Riley's brother, start to date. Amanda starts to feel really sick and throwing up, she also starts to look really pale too. She soon notices her friends are feeling sick too and they tell her it's from having withdrawals. When Amanda sees Carson hooking up with his ex-girlfriend at a party, she takes her emotions out on drugs. She starts standing on the edge of the bathtub and slips and falls, hitting her head. When she goes to the hospital she tells her parents she was only drinking and when she leaves the hospital she leaves only with more pain killers. Carson shows up to Amanda's house trying to make up for his mistake and of course like any normal teenage girl she takes him back. Amanda and her friends get some new drugs to snort and soon after realizes that it was heroin; Amanda makes Carson promise they will never do it again. Amanda's coach finally starts to realize how sloppy she has gotten and gives her solo to another girl. When Amanda runs to tell Carson what happened she finds out he had gotten high on heroin, again. At first Amanda is angry but then she starts to think they have to ease off of it first. When Riley steals money from girls on the dance team Amanda gets kicked off the team because everyone blames it on her. Later after all of them get their drinks they all get into the car and get high. Amanda starts shaking and they assume she might be having a seizure when Amanda wakes up they look over at Riley and see that she has overdosed so they rush her to the hospital. Everyone at school is told she had a heart attack but Riley's dad calls Amanda's mom and tells her that Riley had overdosed. Amanda's mom asked her about it but Amanda acted like she had no idea then her brother tells on her, letting their mom know the truth. Amanda runs off and goes to her drug dealers house asking for some drugs but he sexually harasses her. Amanda finds Carson and instead of helping her, Carson only wanted her to do what Rick, the drug dealer, wanted. Amanda drives off and when she gets home she tells her mom she needed help. Amanda gets the help she needs and has her normal friends back again. Perfect High has a three star rating. Some people say it was too corny, even for a Lifetime time movie. Another person said This movie is an excellent depiction of how real addiction can become, even in the most normal teenagers life. I agree with them one hundred percent. Another person said The concept has been overdone a million times before. I personally believe this movie would be good for every teenager and parent to watch. This movie is brutally honest about the impact it can have on a persons life and the people around them. It also shows you the risks of what doing drugs has on a person. This movie is not only good for teenagers but also parents as well. For the parents it shows the pressure teens are under. The family can talk about how this movie compares to what the teens know about drug addiction and what to do if they offered drugs or alcohol or are in any situation like that. Families may also talk about managing their medication, if anyone in the family ever needed to get painkillers. It can also show how innocently addiction can start and the damaging impacts it has on the person and their family as well as showing parents how and innocently a prescription can go into a full blown addiction. I love this movie because it has a real story behind it. Someone was truly dependent on drugs and decided to share their story to help others like them. Most people don't see how easy it can be to get addicted to drugs. It only takes one time to get addicted and to crave that drug. This is why I chose Perfect High, it can help other people know they are not the only ones who have or are struggling to fight addiction. This movie helps show teenagers and adults what can happen if they abuse painkillers.
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